Saturday, 7 September 2013


I`m pregnant again with a smile,
It could be one of three,
Iv`e rang up Jeremy Kyle,
To see who it could be.

Could be Ste, Or Josh, Or Bill,
Had all Three in one day,
I wont tell them yet, Not until,
Jeremy Kyle has his say.

He does those tests that tell you who,
I`m sat there hopin it`s Ste`s,
I`m hopin his foot fits my shoe,
If not I`m on my  knees,

Came our day on the telly,
Cameras and Jezza everywhere,
Me with my big fat belly.
Ste, Bill and Josh in the chair.

Something on the end of it was the roar,
Who is the father he said,
Ste, Bill and Josh looked so bored,
Who did you take to your bed.

Being drunk stops me remembering,
Could be all three i suppose,
Could be Ste, He saw to my rendering,
He was quite cheap too, As it goes.

Handed the results, Jezza , What,
That minutes silence shattered my nerves
I`m coming out in red spots,
It`s not them that altered your curves.

I`m buggered if i know the father,
All Three were now in`t clear,
I don`t know who else i had been with,
That day , I`d been so full of beer.

Living in hope i would find him,
 Jezza to do more tests,
 Recall a blokes name, Think it was jim,
Untill i find him, I wont rest.


A week away at mas expense Organised as it should My woollen trunks and swimming cap Fish and chips upon my lap Ooh you look so good in...